Past Dissertations
Congratulations to APCE graduates!
2024 Fall Graduates
Name Dissertation Peebles, Courtney Peebles, C. (2024). Understanding the Research Professional Development Experiences of Women Physician Medical School Faculty Brandon, Usha Brandon, U. (2024). Reimagining Leadership in Community-Based Organizations: An Emotional Intelligence and Ecological Systems' Approach to Professional Development -
2024 Summer Graduates
Name Dissertation Osborn, Rachel “Rocky” Osborn, R.R. (2024). TikTok as an Adult Fitness Education Space: A Social Media Digital Ethnography English, Paul English, P. (2024). Reframing Organizational Learning for Occupational Safety: Implications of Single and Double-Looping Organizational Learning for Occupational Safety Jones, Thermajean Jones, T. (2024). Narratives of Successful Educational Journeys of African American Women Post Domestic Violence Ellis, Joanna Ellis, J.(2024). Preserving patient dignity with cultural humility in healthcare: A narrative inquiry of Hispanic Community Health Workers (CHWs) in Texas -
2024 Spring Graduates
Name Dissertation Prentice, Stephen Prentice, S. (2024). Environmental Impact on Cognitive Function and Stress in Adult Learners: A Comparison of Natural and Artificial Environments
Ortiz, Richard L. Ortiz, R. L. (2024). Emotional Intelligence for the Culinary Industry: Perspectives of Community College Instructors Participating in a Collaborative Inquiry Project
Velásquez-Garcia, Gloria Velásquez-Garcia, G. (2024). Trauma, Healing, and Hope: Narratives of Undocumented Mexican Immigrants
Scott, Cedric Scott, C.(2024). Post-Secondary Education Pathways: The Disconnection For Texas Women Receiving TANF and Public Housing Assistance Pippins, Esther Pippins, E. (2024). The Talk: Learning that Binds Generations: A Critical Reflective Practice Begot from a Black Woman’s Dialogic Approach -
2023 Summer Graduates
Name Dissertation de Faria Santos, Humberto de Faria Santos, H. (2023). Data Science Professionals' Reflections on and Learning About Issues of Privacy and Autonomy: A Phenomenological Study -
2023 Spring Graduates
Baeza, Luis
Baeza, L. (2023). Narratives Of Older Male Latino Migrant Workers From A Texas Border Town
Guel, Autumn
Guel, A. (2023). An Examination of Adult Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of Career Development, Lifelong/Continuous Learning, and The Development of Possible Selves After Participating In A Career-Based Capstone Experience
Richmond, Peg
Richmond, P. (2023). How Adult Entrepreneurs Perceive and Resolve Differences in their Own and Others' Assessments of Their Entrepreneurial Competence: A Study of Self-directed Learning and Coping
2022 Fall Graduates
Name Dissertation Chaney, Lauren Chaney, L. (2022). Civic Education Initiatives in Central Texas: A Descriptive Case Study -
2022 Summer Graduates
Name Dissertation Abbie, Salcedo Salcedo, A. (2022). Addressing Racial Workplace Injustice: A Phenomenological Comparative Study Between Perspectives of African American and White Women with Full Professorships -
2022 Spring Graduates
Name Dissertation Chung, HeeJae
Chung, H. (2022). Business English for International Working Professionals: A Virtual Training Focusing on Intercultural Communication Skills
Henry, Nicholas Richard
Henry, N. R. (2022). Organ Donor's Narratives: Transformative Learning During the Organ Donation Consent Process
Villarreal, Felix
Villarreal, F. (2022). The Experience of Biology Instructors at Community College with the Inverted Classroom: A Phenomenology Study
Thornton, Kimberly A.
Thornton, K. A. (2022). Black American Family Life Histories: An Ethnographic Study
2021 Fall Graduates
Name Dissertation Cantu, Raul
Cantu, R. (2021). In Search of Hope in Lantinx Tenure Track and Tenured Faculty in Higher Education
De La Rosa, Yvonne
De La Rosa, Yvonne. (2021). Ahora Puedo Respirar Now I Can Breathe
Peña, Cindy
Peña, C. (2021). Nuestras Experiencias, Our Experiences Testimonios of Mexicanas in the US
2021 Summer Graduates
Name Dissertation Mader, Rey Lopez
Mader, R. L. (2021). Culture Learning in Community: Burmese Refugees and the Meaning of Home
Harvey, Malikah P.
Harvey, M. P. (2021). Boots2Suits: African American Males Transitioning from the Military into the Civilian Private Sector Workplace
2021 Spring Graduate
Name Dissertation Nanry, Christian Austin
Nanry, C. A. (2021). Relationship of Higher Education and Law Enforcement Performance.
2020 Fall Graduates
Name Dissertation Davis, Brittany
Davis, B. (2020). "A Second Home:" Peer Mentor Circles for International Graduate Students to Ease Transitions and Foster Sense of Belonging
Riggs, Rosemary
Riggs, R. (2020). Teachers as Researchers: A Quantitative Study of a Research-focused Professional Development Program on Teacher Professional Agency
Sullivan, Sierra
Sullivan, S. (2020). For this we will Defend: Military Connected Competency Training and Faculty Experiences Teaching Student Veterans
2020 Summer Graduates
Name Dissertation Fuggs, Reba
Fuggs R. (2020). Faculty Perceptions: Diversity and Justice Education in the University Classroom
Carter, Jill
Carter, J. (2020). Tesol Instructors’ Perceptions and Praxis Teaching Adult Emergent Readers
Elliot, Kerry
Elliot, K. (2020). Relationship of Institutional Support to Online Graduate Learning
Dong, Thymai
Dong, T. (2020). Mutual Vulnerability: Deepening Human Interconnectedness in Cross-Racial Relationships
Salazar, Angelina Lapina
Salazar, A. L. (2019). Does Exposure to Problem-Based Learning Strategies Increase Postformal Thought and Need for Cognition in Higher Education Students? A Quasi-Experimental Study
2020 Spring Graduates
Name Dissertation Rodriguez, Brenda
Rodriguez, B. (2020). Leadership and Advancement in Higher Education: A Multiple Case Study of Pioneering Latina Presidents at a 4-Year Public Institutions
Fitzpatrick, Dana
Fitzpatrick, D. (2020). Namaste in Teaching: How Yoga Practice Effects Novice Teacher Resilience
Quintero, Jessica
Quintero J. (2020). I Think I Can; I Know I Can: Self-Efficacy as an Indicator of Learner Self-Satisfaction With the Learning Experience in an Online Master of Social Work Program
2019 Fall Graduates
Name Dissertation Tyner, Jonathan
Tyner, J, (2019). The Decision-Making Process: Experiences of New International Graduate Students Enrolled in the US Higher Education
Guevara, Yolanda Reyes
Guevara, Y. R. (2019). Understanding Persistence of the Latino/a Adult Student at the Community College
2019 Summer Graduates
Name Dissertation Collins, Kevin
Collins, K. (2019). Living with and Learning About Asthma on the College Campus
Myers, Danette
Myers, D. (2019). Narratives of Black Older Women Communicating with Healthcare Professionals
Kamisli, Merih Ugurel
Kamisli, M. U. (2019). Acculturation Experiences of Syrian Muslim Refugee Women in the U.S.: Intersectionality of Nationality, Religion, Gender, and Refugee Status
2019 Spring Graduates
Name Dissertation Crooks, William
Crooks, W. (2019). Narratives of Refugee Resettlement Workers: The Impact of Recent Policy Changes on Refugee Resettlement
Reyes, Norma
Reyes, N. (2019). The Life Stories and Career Development of Executive Latinas in Higher Education
Perry, Daniel
Perry, D. (2019) Assessing the Influence of Community College Course Selection Pathways on Transfer Student Perspectives: A Model for Comparative Evaluation
Cleveland, James
Cleveland, J. (2019) From Combat to Caregiver
McClain, Terrance
McClain, T. (2019) Advising African-American Males: From the Advisor’s Perspective
2018 Fall Graduate
Name Dissertation Lowney, John
Lowney, J. (2018). Illuminating the Faculty and Staff of Color Voice Through Their Lived Experiences: Contextualizing Mentoring & Resilience
2018 Summer Graduate
Name Dissertation Mora, Sherri L. Mora, S. L. (2018). A Structural analysis of Texas law and policy processes relating to college and career readiness with emphasis on Hispanics. -
2018 Spring Graduates
Name Dissertation Boakye, Owusu Boakye, O. A. (2018). Ghanaian female STEM lecturers and professors transcending barriers: The kitchen is no longer our place. Hendrix, Natalie Hendrix, N. (2018). Fluffy women of color: Examining the identities of plus size latina and African American women through a lens of intersectionality. Ingwersen, Peter Ingwersen, P. T. (2018). Synergistic supervision strategies of mid-level professionals in student affairs. Terrell, Vanessa Terrell, V. L. (2018). Dialogue and difference: Facilitating difficult dialogues in the adult learning environment. Uphoff, Sarah Uphoff, S. J. (2018). Penning possibilities: Narratives of poets' personal and community learning experiences practicing spoken word. Walkes, Skyller Walkes, S. D. (2018). Activism through art in an Afro-Cuban community: Centering voices at the intersections. -
2017 Fall Graduates
Name Dissertation Anumudu, Chinedu Anumudu, C. (2017). Embodied learning as a tool for meaning-making: A forum theatre training. Gamez, Blanca Gamez, B. U. (2017). The lived experiences of the Latinx mentor and the role of community cultural wealth. Johnson, Josyln Johnson, J. (2017). When purpose calls: A grounded study on the lifewide learning experiences of high potential young adults. Jones, S. Reñee Jones, S. R. (2017). Creating our own stories and trusting our own voices: Midlife, black, female doctoral students navigating the crossroads of age, race, and gender.
2017 Summer Graduates
Name Dissertation Title Spencer, Bobbie Spencer, B. (2017). Study abroad's impact on professional architectural practice. Livingston, Judith Livingston, J. (2017). Career transitions in the third age: A study of women pediatricians. Delgado, Perla Delgado, P. G. (2017). Narratives of community educators fostering adult education and community development. Carey, Sharlotte Carey, S. F. (2017). The meaning of reflective teaching to national board certified teachers. Adversario, Jan Adversario, J. (2017). Immigrant experiences of occupational downgrading: Their stories in light of possible selves theory. -
2017 Spring Graduates
Name Dissertation Holcomb, Michelle Holcom, M. (2017). Hurricane Ike and my mother: How loss of extended self contributed to identity development. Gonzales, Jose Gonzáles, J. M. (2017). A narrative exploratory study of migrant farm workers: A multi case study of four educational achievers. -
2016 Fall Graduates
Name Dissertations Hernandez, Regina Hernandez, R. (2016). Teaching and learning technology and new media in a community-based program: Adult educators and older learners' experiences. -
2016 Summer Graduates
Name Dissertation Title Martin, Moira Martin, M. C. (2016). Compassion in crisis: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of flood survivors and first responders. -
2016 Spring Graduates
Name Dissertation Robarts, Dawn Robarts, D. (2016). Early identification of the non-directed kidney donor: Are there personal characteristics of college students that can predict their willingness to consider non-directed kidney donation? Reneau, Clint-Michael Reneau, C. (2016). My brother's keeper: Queering masculinities in higher education dissertation. Breslow, Kenneth Breslow, K. (2016). Narratives of Directors of Disability Services: Forms of Social Capital in Practice. -
2015 Fall Graduates
Name Dissertation Title Murray, Kayon Murray-Johnson, K. (2015). Toward a construct of balance: Graduate education faculty and the navigation of difficult dialogues on race. Moreno, Jose Luis Moreno, J. L. (2015). Anatomy of the story: Narratives of mortuary science learners and graduates. Garcia, Naomi Garcia, N. (2015). Erlebnis- a phenomenological study of the stream of experience and ideation of three adult educators living and working in Turkey. -
2015 Summer Graduates
Name Dissertation Title Woodson, Beverly Day, B. W. (2015). The persistence of black males in the STEM fields at Texas State University. Valverde, Cristina Valverde-Poenie, T. C. (2015). How science without borders students perceive internationalization strategies in practice at a U.S. university: A phenomenographic study. Page, Taneisha Page, T. R. (2015). Career preparation: A comparison of university athletes to non-athletes. Morton, Vincent Morton, V. E. (2015). Black males in higher education: Communities of color. -
2015 Spring Graduates
Name Dissertation Title Taylor, Lynn Taylor, L. (2015). Organizational downsizing and the aftermath: Survivors' perceptions of the impact on organizational commitment and personal professional development in the context of schools. Redwine, Gerry (Gerald) Redwine, G. D. (2015). Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) in an African-American subculture: Grounded theory of Afro-Theistic faith, knowledge, and Afro-Theistic social constructs. Kirkpatrick, Lisa Kirkpatrick, L. L. (2015). Elders in assisted living: Excavating hospitality from within. Jimenez, Benjamin Jimenez, B. A. (2015). A phenomenological study of adult learners' experiences with the portfolio form of prior learning assessment. Gibbs, David Gibbs, D. L. (2015). Constructing requirements: A qualitative study of challenges encountered during requirements elicitation for information systems. Drake, Jerry Drake, J. C. (2015). Treasure houses of the mind public places as teachers of history. Sehin, Oleksandra Sehin, O. (2015). Evaluating internationalization efforts in select award-winning institutions of higher education: Where are the international graduate students? -
2014 Fall Graduates
Name Dissertation Bley, Celina Bley, C. (2014). Public pedagogy in public schools: The journey to creating a welcoming environment for parents to support involvement and student learning Varela, Lucio Varela, L. (2014). The impact of internalized racial oppression in the lives of nine American men of Mexican ancestry. -
2014 Summer Graduates
Name Dissertation Beck, Brandon Beck, B. L. (2014). Trans/forming educational leadership: Retrospectives of transgender persons as public intellectuals in school contexts. Russian, Christopher Russian, C. J. (2014). A qualitative study to determine perceptions of neonatal and pediatric clinical education in an allied health profession. Serrano, Arlene F. Serrano, A. F. (2014). Financial literacy instructors working in community-based programs: Their narratives and efforts interrupting the status quo. -
2014 Spring Graduates
Name Dissertation Title Vasquez, Daniel Vasquez, D. S. (2014). The historical evolution of Texas State University through the eyes of three Latino males. Tull, Candace Tull, C. M. (2014). An experiment in facilitating creative thinking in second degree accelerated nursing students Maston, Alexis Maston, A. C. (2014). Spiritualizing hip hop with I.C.E.: The poetic spiritual narratives of four black educational leaders from hip hop communities. Alston, Geleana Alston, G. D. (2014). Cross-cultural mentoring relationships in higher education: A feminist grounded theory study. Gadsen-Ross, Helen Gadsen-Ross, H. (2014) Knowledge deficits in manufacturing and their effects on new employees.
2013 Fall Graduates
Name Dissertation Moon, Michael Moon, M. D. (2013). Influences of the emergency nursing professional association on the socialization of emerging emergency nurses. Jones, Philip Jones, P. R. (2013). Community college nontraditional African American students and their journey to college level writing: Voices from the first semester freshman English composition classroom. Dale, Randy Dale, R. E. (2013). The continuing education of senior adults: An examination and analysis of programming for the successful aging of senior adults in Baptist church recreation ministries. -
2013 Summer Graduates
Name Dissertation White, Anthony White, A. L. (2013). Mentoring experiences of undergraduate black males: A case study of their journeys, access, and participation. Van Aacken, Carl Van Aacken, C. J. (2013). The role of emotions in an adult C setting: A focus on community college instruction. Newman, Beverly Newman, B. C. (2013). A critical quest: Confirming physical therapists' attitudes and knowledge toward evidence-based practice. Ly, Monirith Ly, M. (2013). Moral meanings of community service learning at Paññāsastra University of Cambodia. Aleman, Jason Aleman, J. (2013). PAPI: Understanding the Tejano father hybrid identity within the Mexican American family, community, and school experience through a postcolonial lens.